
Link from DataDCF is an online service to generate Open Graph/Twitter Cards from SEC filings, YouTube videos, FRED and more.

How many times do you see an image of sec filing but no source and no standard format on social media?

You are in the right place, Link will help you to generate social media cards (open graph protocol) combining summary image and a source link, here are some examples:

In this example, we parse a sec filing, get market data and company information and summarize into a card image, clicking the card will redirect you to the exact filing from where those data are parsed. Having both summary data and the source link is the true transparency when sharing data in social media. Here is a video demo

In this YouTube example, we are making a default card that YouTube supports into a larger image with a link, we think a larger image card will increase conversion rate and increase the impressions. Here is a video demo.

It is free to use and share, visit to create social media cards and share.